Words you like this :- [i]

This is TRUE

You are not beautiful just your age is beautiful is doesn't matter how you look and what's your skin color because everything will change with your age.

At the end you need a holding hand not a perfect body and beautiful face.

In this world everyone is beautiful in their own way. you are not FAT, SLIM, TALL, SMALL, UGLY, BLACK, WHITE you are you and that's great.

Don't judge anyone with their temporary appearance.

So read something today in English (Opposite Word) 

  1. About :- Exactly 
  2. Arrival :- Departure
  3. Above :- Below
  4. Absence :- Presence
  5. Artificial :- Natural
  6. Abundance :- Lack
  7. Ascent :- Descent
  8. Accept :- Refuse
  9. Ask :- Answer
  10. Accidental :- Intentional
  11. Asleep :- Awake
  12. Active :- lazy
  13. Attack :- Defend, Defense
  14. Admit :- Deny
  15. Attic :- Cellar
  16. Adult :- Child
  17. Autumn :- Spring
  18. Advanced :- Elementary
  19. Affirmative :- Negative
  20. Awful :- Nice
  21. Afraid :- Brave
  22. Alive :- Dead
  23. After :- before
  24. Against :-  For
  25. Alike :- Different
  26. All :- None
  27. Allow :- Forbid
  28. Already :- Not yet
  29. Always :- Never
  30. Ancient :- Modern
  31. Ancestors :- Descendant 
  32. Agree :- Refuse
  33. Amateur :- Professional
  34. Amuse :- Bore
  35. Angel :- Devil
  36. Animal :- Human
  37. Annoy :- Satisfy
  38. Antonyms :- synonym
  39. Apart :- Together
  40. Approximately :- Exactly 
  41. Argue :-  Agree
  42. Back :- In front of
  43. Background :- Foreground
  44. Backward :- Forward
  45. Bad :- Good
  46. Bad Luck :- Fortune
  47. Beauty :- Ugliness
  48. Before :- After
  49. Begin :-  End
  50. Bitter :- Sweet
  51. Blunt :- Sharp
  52. Body :- Soul
  53. Bore :- Amuse 
  54. Boring :- Exciting
  55. Borrow :- Lend
  56. Brave :- Cowardly
  57. Break :- Fix
  58. Broad :- Narrow
  59. Build :- Destroy
  60. Busy :- Lazy
  61. Buy :- Sell
  62. Calm :- Excited
  63. Careful :- Careless
  64. Catch :- Miss
  65. Ceiling :- Floor
  66. Cellar :- Attic
  67. Centre :- Outskirts
  68. Certainly :- Probably
  69. Changeable :- Constant
  70. Cheap :- Expensive
  71. Child :- Adult
  72. Children :- Parents
  73. Clean :- Dirty
  74. Clear :- Cloudy
  75. Clever :- Stupid
  76. Comedy :- Drama
  77. Complicated :- Simple
  78. Compulsory :- Voluntary 
  79. Connect :- Separate
  80. Consonants :- Vowels 
  81. Constant :- Changeable 
  82. Construction :- Destruction 
  83. Continuous :- Interrupt
  84. Cool :- Warm
  85. Correct :- Wrong
  86. Courage :- Fear
  87. Cowardly :- Brave
  88. Create :- Destroy
  89. Cruel :- Human
  90. Cry :- Whisper 
  91. Damage  :- Repair
  92. Danger :- Security
  93. Dangerous :- Safe
  94. Dark :- Light
  95. Dawn :- Dusk
  96. Deep :- Shallow
  97. Defeat :- Victory
  98. Desperate :- Hopeful
  99. Destroy :- Build
  100. Devil :- Angel
Thankyou so much for full reading 
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