Built my dream house at age of 26💌✔

My Dream House

I don't go out every weekend for partying. 

i don't have an iphone 15 pro  smasung S23 or expensive car/bike

Some people will say that i am not enjoying my life. some will say that i don't know how to live life. Some will say that i will regret in the future if i don't enjoy now.

For me building this house from my hard earned money and gifting this house to my paresnts was important.

For me enjoyment is taking my parents out for dinnner every weekend and surprise them with gifts every now and then.

For me, enjoyment is going to colleges and universities for free seminars and heelping students with their career growth.

For me, enjoyment is achieving something which i had targeted in my mind and give the best retired  life to my pareents.

Please don't let others control your defintion of enjoyment. everyone's on their own journey and your definition of enjoyment could be different from theirs 

I wish you all bring good fortune to your families and make your parents proud.

10 Lesson for every MEN must teach his children.

✔ Respect for MEN

Treat MEN with kindness and respect.

✔ Responsibility

The importance of beeing responsible for his actions and taking care of his responsibilities.

✔ Independance

Self sufficient and independent, and to make his oen desions and solve his own problems.

✔ Perseverance

Never givee up teell him to keep trying, evenn when things get tough.

✔ Emotional intelligence

Develop emotional intelligence. teach him how to recognize, exxpress and manage his emotions in healthy ways.

✔ Communication skills

Develop strong communication skills encourage him to express his thoughts and feelings openly and honestly.

✔ Time management

The value of managing his time effectively, settinng goals and prioritizing tasks.

✔ Financial management

Understand the importance of budgeting, saving and investing for the future.

✔ Healthy habits

To adopt healthy habits such ass eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise and getting enough sleep.

✔ Leadership skills

Develop leadership skills by ecouraging him to take on leadership roles and make decisions.

Thankyou so much for reading...

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